Title: A House divided
Title: the avant-guards
Title: Long way down
Title: jujutsu kaisen
Title: My hero academia
Title: cassandra animal psychic
Title: dark matter of mona starr
Title: dogs of war
Title: fever year
Title: House of el
Title: Incredible doom
Title: Lumberjanes
Title: map to the sun
Title: moonstruck
Title: navajo code talkers
Title: nubia
Title: odessa
Title: one punch man
Title: other side of the wall
Title: primer
Title: spy who raised me
Title: witch hat atelier
Title: wonder cat kyuu-chan
Title: Grand theft horse
Title: Artie and the wolf moon
Title: Ghoul next door
Title: Jukebox
Title: Kyle's little sister
Title: Bounce Back
Title: Another kind
Title: Witches of brooklyn
Title: Pretty boy detective club
Title: Runaway's Diary
Title: Spill zone
Title: Verse
Title: Buzzing
Title: Cooking with monsters
Title: Dinosaur sanctuary