1. City Code Establishing Waukee Public Library
2. Board of Trustee Bylaws
3. Mission Statement
4. Purpose Statement
5. Library Bill of Rights, Freedom to Read & Freedom to View Statements
4. Gifts and Memorial Gifts
5. Volunteers
1. Library Cards
3. Circulation
4. Mobile Hotspot Lending
5. Request for Reconsideration and Form
6. Internet Access and Technology Use
1. Confidentiality of Library Records
1. Library Conduct
2. Unattended Children and Disruptive Behavior
1. Public Services
4. Meeting Room Use and Form
7. Bulletin Board and Brochure Rack
9. Test Proctoring
10. Credit Card Payments
1. Collection Development
2. Gifts to Collection
1. Librarian’s Code of Professional Ethics
Policy 1.1 - City Code Establishing Library
Council adopted May 12, 1987
Ordinance amended November 7, 2005
Reviewed and approved November, 2006
Reviewed by Library Board June, 2011
A. Terms of Office. All appointments to the board shall be for three
(3) years, except to fill vacancies. Each term shall commence on July first. Appointments shall be made every year of one-third of the total number as near as possible, to stagger the terms. The present incumbents are confirmed in the appointments and terms.
[Nov. 10, 1987 – Ordinance 2090]
permanently from the city; or if he is absent without due explanation from six (6) consecutive regular meetings of the board, except in the case of sickness or if he is removed for cause by the mayor with the approval of the city council. The mayor, with approval of the council, shall fill any vacancy by appointment of a new trustee to fill the unexpired term.
majority of the whole number of members appointed by the board. The removal of a library assistant, or employee, however, shall require a two-thirds vote of the board as provided in Section 4 and 5 of this ordinance.
A. To meet and elect from its members a president, and a treasurer, and such other officers as it deems necessary.
B. To have charge, control and supervision of the public library, its appurtenances, fixtures and rooms.
C. To direct and control all the affairs of the library.
D. To employ the librarian, assistants, and other employees for proper management of the library, and to fix their salaries.
E. To remove by a two-thirds vote of the board the librarian, assistants or employees for misdemeanor, incompetence, or inattention to duty.
F. To select and purchase all items considered necessary for the operation of the library.
G. To authorize the use of the library by nonresidents of the city and to fix charges for this privilege.
H. To make and adopt, amend, modify or repeal bylaws, rules and regulations for the care, use, government, and management of the library and the business of the board, and to fix and enforce penalties for violations. Copies of such bylaws, rules and regulations shall be posted in the library where they can be seen by the public.
I. To control exclusively the expenditures of all portions of the municipal enterprises fund allocated for library purposes by the council, and of all money available by gift, or otherwise for the erection of library buildings, and of all other money belonging to the library fund, including fines and rental collected under the rules of the board.
J. To make and send to the city council, on or before the fifteenth day of February in each years, an estimate of the amount necessary for the improvement, operation, and maintenance of the library for the coming fiscal year, the amount expended for like purposes for the two preceding years, and the amount of income expected for the fiscal year from sources other than taxation.
K. To accept gifts, in the name of the library, of real property, personal property, or mixed property, and devises and bequests, including trust funds; to execute deeds and bills of sale for the conveyance of such property; and to expend funds received from such gifts for the improvement of the library.
L. To enforce the performance of conditions on gifts, donations, devises, and bequests accepted by the city by action against the city council.
M. To keep records of its proceedings.
A. Contracting. The board may contract with any other city, town, school
corporation, townships, county, or with the trustees of a county library district for the use of the library by their respective residents. Such a contract between the board and a county shall supercede all contracts between the board and townships or school corporations outside of cities or towns in that county. All of the contracts mentioned in this subsection shall provide for the rate of tax to be levied by other city, town, school corporation, township, county or county library district.
B. Termination. Such a contract may be terminated at any time by mutual
consent of the contracting parties. It may also be terminated at any time by a majority vote of the electors represented by either of the contracting parties. Such a termination proposition shall be submitted to the electors by the governing body of a contracting party on a written petition presented to the governing body not less than forty days before the election. The proposition may be submitted at any election provided by law that is held in the territory of the party who is seeking to terminate the contract.
A. By lending the books to non residents on the same terms and conditions as
to residents of the city, or upon payment of a special non resident library
B. By establishing depositories or library books to be loaned to non residents.
C. By establishing a traveling library so that books may be loaned to non
D. By establishing branch libraries for lending books to non residents.
application card, granting the minor the privilege of checking out library materials and equipment. In the event of said authorization, a library card may be issued to said minor, however, the parent shall be responsible for all materials or property obtained by the minor through the use of said library card as though the parent had checked out the material or property themselves. Said parent or guardian shall be responsible for the return, destruction or loss of said material and be governed by all laws, rules, regulations and policies associated with any library material or property checked out by said minor.
November 7, 2005 – Ordinance 2556
1. Failure to Return. Failure to return Library materials for two (2) months or more after the date the person agreed to return the Library materials, or failure to return Library equipment for one (1) month or more after the date the person agreed to return the Library equipment, is evidence of intent to deprive the owner, provided a reasonable attempt, including the mailing by restricted certified mail of notice that such equipment is overdue or criminal actions will be taken, has been made to reclaim the materials or equipment..
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 714.5)
2. Detention and Search. Persons concealing Library materials may be
detained and searched pursuant to the law.
(Code of Iowa, 808.12) November 7, 2005 Ordinance 2556
(Original repealed on this date)(May 12, 1987 – [Ordinance 2084]
Policy 1.2 - Bylaws
Adopted 10/95
Reviewed 2/03, 1/06
Reviewed and approved 11/06; Revised 4/09; Revised 6/11, 2/16, 6/18, 1/23
The regular meetings of the Library Board shall be held monthly at a time and place determined by the members each year. Usual meeting place is the Waukee Public Library. Per open meetings law the agenda of all regular and special meetings shall be posted at least 24 hours prior to the meeting at Waukee City Hall.
The annual meeting shall be held at the time of the regular meeting for the month of July.
Special meetings may be called by the President, or upon the written request of four members.
Officers of the Board shall be chosen at the regular annual meeting of the Board, and shall be as follows: President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. Officers serve for a one-year term.
Any officer may succeed himself/herself, provided however, that a President shall not serve more than three consecutive 1 year terms.
The President of the Board shall preside at all meetings, appoint all committee Chairpersons, certify all bills approved by the Board, authorize calls for any special meetings, and generally perform the duties of a presiding officer.
The Vice-President shall in the absence of the President from a Board meeting, act as Chairperson and preside over the meeting, fulfilling the duties of the presiding officer.
The Secretary of the Board shall keep a true and accurate account of all proceedings of all board meetings; shall compile all approved minutes of the Board and entrust them to the Library.
The Treasurer of the Board shall chair the Ways and Means Committee.
The Library Board shall consist of seven members, at least five Waukee city resident representatives and not more than two rural Waukee representatives, recommended by the Board, to be appointed by the mayor and approved by the city council. Each board member shall serve a three-year term and serve no more than two consecutive terms. Unexpired terms shall be filled using normal procedures and shall not apply as a full term.
There shall be two standing committees made up of members of the Board: Personnel and Ways and Means.
The Board shall appoint the committee members at the annual meeting in July. Each person will serve a one-year term, and the Board will determine the meeting schedule.
Special committees for the study and investigation of specific problems may be appointed by the Board President, as needed, and such committees will serve until the completion of the work for which they were appointed.
A quorum for transaction of business shall consist of four members of the Board.
The Library Director shall be considered the executive officer of the Library, chief liaison officer to the Board and shall have sole charge of the administration of the library under the direction and review of the Board. The Library Director shall issue all notices of regular and special meetings of the Board of Trustees. The Library Director shall be responsible for the employment and direction of the staff, for the efficiency of the library’s service to the public, and the operation of the library under the financial conditions set forth in the annual budget. The Library Director shall attend all Board meetings except those at which his, or her, appointment or salary is to be discussed or decided. The Library Director is responsible for presenting invoices, which have been authorized by the Board, to the city finance department for payment.
Roberts’ Rules of Order shall govern the Board in all cases to which they are applicable.
These By-laws may be amended at any regular meetings of the Board with a quorum present, by the unanimous vote of the members present, providing the amendment was stated in the meeting agenda.
Policy 1.3 - Mission Statement
Policy 1.4 - Purpose Statement
Reviewed and approved 11/06
The purpose of the Waukee Public Library is to lead the way in meeting the educational and informational needs of the people of Waukee by providing library resources for their interest, information, enlightenment and entertainment. The Waukee Public Library will maintain and make available materials and sponsor programs that will help Waukee residents to:
1) Be life-long learners
1) Keep pace with progress in many fields of knowledge
2) Become better members of home and community
3) Be more capable in their occupations
4) Develop their creative and spiritual capacities
5) Appreciate and enjoy the arts
6) Make use of leisure time as will benefit both self and society
7) Participate in a broad-based exchange of ideas on a wide variety of issues and topics
Public Service: The process of courteously and effectively connecting patrons with appropriate material, people, programs or information to meet their needs.
Collection: The sum total of all print and non-print materials available for use by patrons, through either loan or in-house use.
Programming: The Library’s systematic involvement in sponsoring, organizing and/or hosting specific one-time, serial or ongoing events designed to connect Library users with human, print or non-print resources in line with the Library’s purpose.
Policy Section 1.5 - Library Bill of Rights, the Freedom to Read and Freedom to View Statements
Updated 6/94
Reviewed and approved 11/06;
Reviewed 06/11
The Waukee Public Library joins with other libraries in the United States in supporting the LIBRARY BILL OF RIGHTS and its interpretations and the FREEDOM TO READ and FREEDOM TO VIEW statements of the American Library Association, which are appended as part of this policy document.
The American Library Association affirms that all libraries are forums for information and ideas, and that the following policies should guide their services.
1. Books and other library resources should be provided for the interest, information and enlightenment of all the people of the community the library serves. Materials should not be excluded because of the origin, background, or views of those contributing to their creation.
2. Libraries should provide materials and information presenting all points of view on current and historical issues. Materials should not be proscribed or removed from libraries because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval.
3. Libraries should challenge censorship in the fulfillment of their responsibility to provide information and enlightenment.
4. Libraries should cooperate with all persons and groups concerned with resisting abridgement of free expression and free access to ideas.
5. A person’s right to use the library should not be denied or abridged because of origin, age, race, background, or views.
6. Libraries, which make exhibit spaces and meeting rooms available to the public they serve, should make such facilities available on an equitable basis, regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of individuals or groups requesting their use.
Adopted June 19, 1939.
Amended October 14, 1944; June 18, 1948; February 2, 1961; June 27, 1967; and January 23, 1980; inclusion of “age” reaffirmed January 23, 1996, by the ALA Council.
1. It is in the public interest for publishers and librarians to make available the widest diversity of views and expressions, including those that are unorthodox, unpopular, or considered dangerous by the majority. 2. Publishers, librarians, and booksellers do not need to endorse every idea or presentation they make available. It would conflict with the public interest for them to establish their own political, moral, or aesthetic views as a standard for determining what should be published or circulated.
3. It is contrary to the public interest for publishers or librarians to bar access to writings on the basis of the personal history or political affiliations of the author. 4. There is no place in our society for efforts to coerce the taste of others, to confine adults to the reading matter deemed suitable for adolescents, or to inhibit the efforts of writers to achieve artistic expression. 5. It is not in the public interest to force a reader to accept the prejudgment of a label characterizing any expression or its author as subversive or dangerous. 6. It is the responsibility of publishers and librarians, as guardians of the people's freedom to read, to contest encroachments upon that freedom by individuals or groups seeking to impose their own standards or tastes upon the community at large; and by the government whenever it seeks to reduce or deny public access to public information. 7. It is the responsibility of publishers and librarians to give full meaning to the freedom to read by providing books that enrich the quality and diversity of thought and expression. By the exercise of this affirmative responsibility, they can demonstrate that the answer to a "bad" book is a good one, the answer to a "bad" idea is a good one.
Adopted June 25, 1953, by the ALA Council and the AAP Freedom to Read Committee; amended January 28, 1972; January 16, 1991; July 12, 2000; June 30, 2004.
1. To provide the broadest access to film, video, and other audiovisual materials because they are a means for the communication of ideas. Liberty of circulation is essential to insure the constitutional guarantees of freedom of expression.
2. To protect the confidentiality of all individuals and institutions using film, video, and other audiovisual materials.
3. To provide film, video, and other audiovisual materials which represent a diversity of views and expression. Selection of a work does not constitute or imply agreement with or approval of the content.
4. To provide a diversity of viewpoints without the constraints of labeling or prejudging film, video, or other audiovisual materials on the basis of moral, religious, or political beliefs of the producer or filmmaker or on the basis of controversial content.
5. To contest vigorously, by all lawful means, every encroachment upon the public’s freedom to view.
Endorsed by the ALA Council January 10. 1990
Policy 2.4 - Gifts and Memorial Gifts
Updated 6/94
Reviewed and approved 12/06
Reviewed and updated 06/11
In order to supplement facilities, holdings, services and programs provided for in the Library budget, gifts in various forms (i.e. books or materials, personal property, art objects, money, real property or stock) are welcomed under the following conditions:
- Gifts must be permanent and unrestricted, or any attached restrictions must be acceptable to the Board of Trustees;
- Gifts must be usable in the context of the Library’s general, long-term plan for growth;
- Gifts must meet any criteria specified in sections of Library policy related to the form of the gift;
- Gifts received and later determined unusable may be disposed of in whatever way the Board should determine to be most beneficial to the Library;
- Gifts and memorials may be received via the Waukee Public Library Foundation;
- Gifts and memorials may also be received via the Friends of the Waukee Public Library organization.
Policy 2.5 - Volunteers
Updated 6/94
Reviewed and approved 12/06
Revised 06/11
In keeping with the Library’s purpose of serving the community, and in recognition of our status as a community-funded institution, the Board welcomes and enthusiastically encourages the interaction with and support of local residents through such avenues as library volunteering and the Friends of the Library group.
Statement 99 - Social Media Usage and Moderation of Comments
The Waukee Public Library's official social media presence serves two functions: 1) to provide accurate, consistent, and timely information about Library programs, services, and resources and 2) to strengthen the Library's relationship with the community through engagement. Any use of the Library's official social media that is in conflict with these functions is not authorized. Questions regarding the appropriate use of the Library's social media may be submitted to the Library Director.
Moderation of Comments
The Library Director or designee reserves the right to remove or report inappropriate comments including those that:
- Are not topically related to the particular posting.
- Have obscene language or sexual content.
- Threaten or defame any person or organization.
- Violate the legal ownership interest of another party.
- Support or oppose political candidates or ballot propositions.
- Promote illegal activity, commercial services, or products.
- Are harassing.
Although Library staff may occasionally schedule posts for evenings and weekends, this account is not monitored outside of the Library's normal business hours.
Policy 3.1 - Library Cards
Revised 6/94, 3/02, 10/04, 11/05, 09/09, 04/12, 07/12, 5/14, 11/15, 10/18, 02/20
To open an account, an individual must complete a library card application. Applicants must also present photo ID and proof of current address in person. Applicants can complete the library card application online or in-person but must be present to receive their card.
The following are acceptable forms of picture ID:
- State Issued Driver’s License
- Military ID
- School ID
- Passport
- State Issued Driver’s License with current address
- Utility bill postmarked within 30 days
- Bank or other financial statement with address
- Check stub from current employer reflecting address issued within the past 30 days
- Library cardholders must use their own library card to check out materials or use the public computers.
- A library card or photo ID must be presented to gain access to information contained in a members’ library account.
- Library cardholders may authorize another person to use their library account by notifying library staff. Library cardholder accounts or borrowing privileges may be revoked or suspended if it is determined that their card was improperly issued or used.
- It is the library cardholder’s responsibility to notify the library of a change of contact information. If the cardholder has become ineligible due to change of contact information, or any other reason, their borrowing privileges may be suspended.
- Verification of identity for renewal and replacement of library cards is required. Library card replacement cost is set by the Library Board of Trustees.
- Library accounts may be closed only when all materials have been returned and all fines/fees have been paid. The individual account holder or adult responsible for a minor’s account must request closure in person or by a written/signed request.
- Library accounts may be closed after three years of inactivity and if all items have been returned and no fines remain.
- Cards are made in the name of an individual teacher or caregiver.
- The cardholder is responsible for lost materials.
- A maximum of one hundred (100) items may be checked out on the card.
- The loan period is four (4) weeks. Items may be renewed.
- Audiobooks may be checked out; DVDs checkout for one week.
- No late fines are assessed. Patron will be responsible for lost or damaged fees.
- The library reserves the right to restrict or limit the inclusion of high-demand items such as new fiction, audio books, and books on popular topics.
- Failure to follow these guidelines may result in loss of borrowing privileges.
The following guidelines apply to homebound customers only:
- Cards are made in the name of the homebound patrons.
- Books in large print, books in regular print, audiobooks, and magazines are available for homebound service. DVDs are not eligible for homebound services as they involve a shorter checkout period.
- A maximum of fifty (50) items may be checked out on the card.
- The loan period is four (4) weeks. Items may be renewed.
- No late fines are assessed. Patron will be responsible for lost or damaged fees.
- Delivery will be scheduled at the mutual convenience of the patron and staff.
To open an account, an individual must complete a library card application. Applicants must present a photo ID. Temporary card holders must abide by the same rules as regular library card holders.
- A maximum of five (5) items may be checked out on the card.
- Request of ILL materials is prohibited
Policy 3.3 - Circulation Policy
Materials Loan Periods
1) Reference materials (which are generally only used on the premises) may be loaned out under special circumstances and at the discretion of the Library Director or designee.
2) All DVDs have a one-week loan period.
1) A maximum of ten (10) audiobooks may be checked out on a library card.
2) A maximum of ten (10) DVDs may be checked out on a library card.
3) A maximum of one (1) hotspot may be checked out per address.
4) A maximum of one (1) STEAM Kit may be checked out on a library card.
5) A maximum of (2) Playaway audiobooks may be checked out on a library card.
1) Hotspots will be charged $2.00 per day overdue fine to a maximum of $10.
Policy 3.4 - Mobile Hotspot Lending
The Waukee Public Library has purchased mobile hotspots as a public service for library patrons to assist with schoolwork, professional work, recreational use, or other wireless internet needs. Given the expense of the mobile hotspot, the library requires a library card for check out. To ensure that these mobile hotspots are available and functional for all cardholders, the Waukee Public Library Board of Trustees have set forth the following guidelines for use:
- The library cardholder is responsible for any mobile hotspot borrowed from the Waukee Public Library, including its case.
- The library cardholder warrants that the hotspot was in good working order when borrowed and that the library patron will reimburse the Library if the hotspot is damaged, lost, or stolen while checked out.
- The hotspot CANNOT be returned in the book drop. Until the hotspot and case are returned inside the library and checked in, it is the library cardholder’s responsibility.
- The mobile hotspots are available to Waukee Public Library cardholders age 14 or older in good standing.
- Only one mobile hotspot can be checked out or be on hold at a time per household address.
- Mobile hotspots check out for 10 days, can be renewed twice if available, and can be put on hold if available.
- Overdue fines for mobile hotspots will be accrued at a rate of $2.00 per day to a maximum of $10.
- If the mobile hotspot or accessories are not returned, it will be considered lost, the library cardholder will be charged the replacement fee below. Wireless service will be terminated and the device will be unusable.
o Mobile hotspot $100
o Case $20
o USB cable $10
o Power Adapter $10
- The library is not responsible for any liability, damages, or expenses resulting from the use or misuse of the device, connection of the device to other electronic devices, or data loss resulting from the use of this device.
- While using hotspots, each user must adhere to all local, state, and federal laws including, but not limited to, those concerning fraud, piracy, or obscenity. Use of the Library’s hotspots in connection with illegal, disruptive, or destructive manner may result in the loss of mobile hotspot privileges and potentially criminal prosecution.
Policy 3.5 - Requests for Reconsideration
Updated 06/94
Reviewed 10/06, 02/08
For a request for reconsideration to be considered, the form must be completed in full. The patron submitting the request must be a resident of Waukee and hold a valid library card.
The written complaint will be forwarded to a committee of five, made up of the Library Director, two members of the Board of Trustees, and two representatives of the school or civic community who reside in Waukee. The Committee will carefully review the complaint and the material in question in the light of the Library’s Collection Development policy, and report to the Board of Trustees at its next meeting. The Board will decide on the matter and report in writing to the complainant within ten days of the meeting. The decision of the Board is final. An item will only be evaluated for reconsideration once in a twelve-month period.
Policy 3.6 - Internet Access and Technology Use
Computers may be used for one-hour blocks of time on a first come-first serve basis. Additional time may be extended at staff discretion if no one else is waiting for a computer.
Due to the unstructured and unregulated nature of the Internet, and the unreliable state of filtering, Waukee Public Library cannot control the content of resources available on the Internet.
Policy 4.1 - Confidentiality of Records
Revised 12/02
Reviewed/Updated 9/07, 2/15
The following public records shall be kept confidential, unless otherwise ordered by a court, by the lawful custodian of the records, or by another duly authorized to release the information.
- The lawful custodian of the records is the Director of the Library.
- Waukee Public Library registration records and circulation records shall be kept confidential.
- If there is reasonable basis to believe library registration records are necessary to the progress of an investigation or prosecution, the request for such records including the justification for the request, shall be made to the Director, in writing, on official letterhead by an official of the investigation or prosecution workforce, who has provided necessary identification.
- If there is a reasonable basis to believe library circulation records are necessary to the progress of an investigation or prosecution, the judicial system shall provide the mechanism for seeking release of such confidential records; the issuance of a court order, following a showing of good cause based on specific facts, by a court of competent jurisdiction.
- Circulation records shall not be made available to any agency of local, state of federal government except pursuant to such process, order or subpoena as may be authorized under the authority of, and pursuant to, local, state, or federal law relating to civil, criminal, or administrative discovery procedures or legislative investigation power.
- The issuance or enforcement of any such process, order or subpoena shall be resisted until such time as a proper showing of good cause has been made in a court of competent jurisdiction.
- The library staff member receiving a request to examine or obtain information relating to registration records or circulation records or other records identifying the names of library users, will immediately refer the person making the request to the Director, who shall explain the confidentiality policy.
- If the records requested pertain only to registration records and the request has been made in a manner prescribed in the policy, the Director may release the records or may bring the request to the next meeting of the Library Board for approval as an exception to the Board Policy on confidentiality of registration records.
- If the records requested cover circulation or other records protected under the Iowa Code, upon receipt of a process, order, or subpoena, the Director shall consult with the city attorney or personal legal consul to determine if such process, order, or subpoena is in proper form and if there is a showing of good cause of its issuance.
- If any written request, process, or subpoena is not in proper form or if good cause has not been shown, the Director shall insist that such defects be cured before any records are released.
- Any threats or unauthorized demands (i.e. those not supported by a written request, process, order or subpoena) concerning circulation and other records identifying the names of library users shall be reported to the Director.
- Any problems relating to the privacy of circulation and other records identifying the names of library users which are not provided for above shall be referred to the Director.
The Waukee Public Library does not sell, rent or otherwise distribute patron information, including electronic mail addresses, to any outside company or organization. Patrons may unsubscribe to library related e-communications at any time.
Policy 4.2 - Library Security Cameras
The Waukee Public Library strives to take reasonable precautions to assure a safe and secure environment for its patrons and staff. Because library staff is unable to provide direct supervision over all areas within the library and library grounds, video security cameras have been placed at selected locations in order to observe and record visible activities of persons within the library and library grounds in lieu of direct supervision.
Camera placement shall be determined by the library director or his/her designee. Cameras shall not be placed in areas where there is a reasonable expectation of privacy, such as toilet areas within restrooms.
Signage shall be conspicuously displayed within the library advising of the recording of video images. Conversations or other audible communication shall not be monitored or recorded by the security cameras.
Cameras will record activities in real time and images will be saved to the camera server’s hard drive. The capacity of the storage system allows for images to be stored for at least 14 days. Current software deletes images automatically as the capacity of the hard drive is reached. The library is not obligated to store images past the 14 day limit.
The library director holds the authority to access and designate others who may access video in real time or recorded formats.
All requests for the viewing of real time or recorded imagery by law enforcement officials must be presented to the library director. If the library director is unavailable, such requests shall be presented to the administrative or supervisory staff designated by the library director to hold such authority. Law enforcement may view recorded images unless such images include records protected by Iowa Code §22.7 (13), in which case such records would be released only pursuant to valid court order.
All requests for public disclosure of recorded images shall be presented to the library director or the administrative staff member designated to act in his/her stead. Guidelines for public disclosure of video imagery shall follow the procedures established by the library director in accordance with Iowa Code Chapter 22 and the City of Waukee’s Public Records Policy.
Policy 5.1 - Library Conduct
Updated 10/2, 1/06
Prohibited conduct is that which:
- Interferes with the rights of individuals to use Library materials and services,
- Interferes with the ability of the Library staff to conduct Library business,
- Or threatens the secure and comfortable environment of the Library or those using the Library
- Willfully annoying, harassing, or threatening another person. (Harassment is defined as any action taken or situation created intentionally to produce psychological or physical discomfort, embarrassment, or ridicule. Harassment is characterized by request for sexual conduct, unwelcome physical advances, or conduct (verbal or physical) of a nature that is intimidating, demeaning, hostile, offensive, or potentially dangerous to self or others).
- Any behavior that endangers or could endanger the safety or health of others.
- Behaving in a disorderly, loud, or boisterous manner.
- Refusing to follow directives from Library staff.
- Theft, vandalism, or the deliberate destruction of Library materials, property, or the personal property of other patrons or staff members.
- Maliciously accessing, altering, deleting, damaging, or destroying any computers, peripherals, computer system, network, computer program or data.
- Impeding access to the building or an area of the building, or blocking book stack aisles for extended periods of time.
- Entering the non-public or locked areas, unless accompanied by a staff member or through prior authorization from a staff member.
- Exiting through Emergency Exits except in cases of an actual emergency situation.
- Leaving personal items in the building. The Library assumes no responsibility for any belonging left unattended.
- Use of cell phones or electronic devices at a volume that is disruptive to others.
- Sleeping or exhibit the appearance of sleep.
- Use the building without shoes or being fully clothed.
- Picture taking or video recording of individuals unless authorized by the individuals involved or their parent if minors are present.
- Soliciting, petitioning, and leaf-letting are prohibited in the Library or on Library property.
- Bringing animals into the Library, except those trained to assist individuals with disabilities under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
- Smoking, vaping, chewing tobacco, or using snuff.
- Use or be under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
- Using restroom facilities for bathing or laundering.
- Engage in sexual activity of any kind, including inappropriate displays of romantic affection.
- Willfully expose patrons or staff to offensive images or language.
- Viewing offensive images on computers or electronic devices in the Library.
- Violation of any municipal, state, or federal law or code.
- In most cases, patrons who are behaving inappropriately in the Library will be given one warning and asked to behave in an appropriate manner. Patrons who do not modify their behavior after one warning will be asked to leave the Library for the rest of the day.
- In the case, of any misconduct that – in the judgment of a staff member – is extreme, the offender will be ordered to leave the building immediately, or a staff member may call the police.
- Patrons engaging in prohibited conduct may be banned from the library building and property by the Library Director or designee for any amount of time up to and including one year in duration.
- The Library Director or the Waukee Police Department will notify parents of barred minors.
- Barred patrons who wish to appeal their suspensions may ask for reconsideration at the next scheduled Library Board of Trustees meeting. After an open hearing that includes the barred patron and Library Director, the Library Board of Trustees will decide whether to repeal or uphold the barring and will inform the patron in writing within ten days. The decision of the Board is final.
Policy 5.2 - Unattended Children and Disruptive Behavior
Updated 11/02, 1/06
- Children who are left unattended or appear to be in the facility without adult supervision can be a cause of concern to the Library. Issues of safety, liability, and responsibility mandate that the Library address this situation with the following rules:
- Children under the age of seven must be attended by a parent or responsible childcare provider while in the Library.
- Children between the ages of four and seven attending a Library program must be brought into the building by a parent or responsible child care provider who must remain in the building until the conclusion of the program, when they resume supervision of the child.
- A parent or responsible childcare provider must attend children under the age of four at all times.
- If an unattended child exhibits disruptive behavior, a staff member will attempt to locate the parent or childcare provider. If a staff member is unable to locate the parent or provider, the police may be notified.
- If a child under the age of 18 is left without transportation after library closing hours, the police may be notified.
Disruptive behavior is an action as prohibited in the Conduct in the Library policy.
Enforcement of these rules for children under the age seven may take the following forms, depending on the severity of the disruptive behavior, which will be determined by the staff on duty.
- In most cases, an attended child under seven who engages in disruptive behavior will be given one warning. If a child does not modify his/her behavior after one warning, the parent or childcare provider may be asked to take the child out of the Library.
- For children under seven who engage in disruptive behavior and are not attended by a parent or childcare provider, the staff member on duty will ask the child to correct his/her behavior and take appropriate action as outlined in the Unattended Children portion of this policy.
Policy 6.1 - Public Services
Updated 6/94
Reviewed and Revised 06/11
The Library staff will be familiar enough with the collection; on-the-spot reference sources, databases, and search techniques to provide basic reference service to patrons. More in-depth reference questions will be referred to the designated back-up reference service.
Items borrowed from other libraries for our patrons will be charged overdue fines assessed as specified under “fines policy”. In order to protect this valuable service, the Waukee Public Library reserves the right, as necessary, to refuse interlibrary loan service to patrons with habitual late returns or borrowed items, or who ordered and failed to pick up borrowed items.
Educational programs, recreational activities or exhibits of an informational nature will be provided for children, young adult, and adult age levels as Library resources permit. Community
resource people and volunteers will be used as much as possible in providing these programs and exhibits. All programs will be free and open to the public at large.
Daycares, school groups, and/or groups with five (5) or more unrelated children should contact the library’s youth services staff at least two weeks prior to a program in order to make arrangements to attend the program. Staff cannot guarantee that large groups will be able to attend programs, and attendance priority is given to the general public first. Appropriate child-to-adult ratio, per Iowa childcare laws, should be followed by visiting groups in order to ensure that all children are properly supervised.
If Waukee District schools are closed for weather-related issues, all planned programs at the library are canceled. (See Policy 8.4.)
Trained Library staff will provide, formally or informally, on an individual or group basis as needed, instruction in basic library skills such as use of the public online catalog, care of library materials, and use of reference sources and databases.
On a regular basis, Library staff will publicize community needs for outreach services to bring Library resources to those elements of the population that cannot readily get to the Library. Such services, including home delivery to interested homebound patrons, will be provided to the greatest extent personnel and budget allow, and in the form(s) deemed most suitable.
The Waukee Public Library will be open not less than 48 hours per week, including Saturday and at least three evenings per week. A trained staff member will be present to answer questions and provide services for patrons during all open hours.
Policy 6.4 - Meeting Rooms
Revised 04/11, 05/12, 01/14, 05/16, 10/18, 11/19, 5/22
- Non-profit organization - defined as those entities granted tax-exempt status by the IRS under section 501(c)(3) or other tax-exempt sections of the Internal Revenue Code.
- Civic groups – not-for-profit local service groups, not officially organized but operated exclusively for educational or charitable purposes dedicated to the community benefit with any net earnings of which are devoted exclusively to charitable, educational, recreational, or social purposes. Includes groups such as youth groups, school/educational groups, community associations, volunteer groups, and other recognized civic groups.
- Governmental subdivisions - or a department/division of a governmental subdivision.
- Political committees - as defined by Iowa Code §68A.102(18)
- Candidate campaign committees - as defined in Iowa Code §68A.102(5)
Forums or informational meetings for potential elected officials are allowed, but no attendee names, addresses, email addresses, or other personal information may be required for attendance of the meeting. State law specifically prohibits the use of signs and the distribution of political literature on the library premises. Fundraising of any kind is expressly prohibited.
The Library reserves the right to deny applications for use based on the availability of space, availability of staff, frequency of use, or potential disruption of service. Permission to use a Library meeting room does not imply Library endorsement of the aims, policies, or activities of any group or organization.
Meeting rooms are not available for fundraising, the sale of merchandise, for solicitation of later sales, or for order placement or distribution. The Library reserves the right to allow sales conducted by the Waukee Public Library Friends Foundation, the Library itself, the Library Art Gallery, and the City of Waukee.
All Library policies apply to the use of the meeting rooms. Noise and conduct are expected to be maintained at a level that does not disrupt meeting room use or other people in the Library. Failure to abide by the policies of the Library will be cause for dismissal and/or denial of further use of the meeting rooms. Individuals attending meetings are responsible for the supervision of their children.
The Library is not responsible for any accident, injury, loss, or damage to the private property of individuals or organizations using the facility.
The Library has priority for use of all its facilities and meeting rooms, and reserves the right to preempt any scheduled meetings with a 24-hour notice.
No special privileges are extended to organizations to which staff members belong.
Food may be served in the meeting rooms, but organizations must clean up the room at their own expense. Alcohol cannot be served or consumed in the Waukee Public Library.
All advertising and public notices of events held in the meeting rooms must clearly designate the organizational sponsorship. An organization or group may not use the Waukee Public Library for its official address, or its logo or representation in any way. Meeting rooms are not intended for a group’s official meeting place. Groups are not allowed to use meeting rooms more than two times per month.
We recommend groups avoid the use of the following list including but not limited to: glitter, paint, adhesives, or other damaging craft products to avoid special cleaning and damage charges.
Meeting room attendees are responsible for cleaning and returning the room to original condition. Cleaning supplies and vacuums are provided for cleanup of rooms after meeting room use.
The Coal Mine Meeting Room may accommodate up to 36 persons seated at 8 tables. A screen and overhead projector are available in the room.
The Waukee Meeting Room has one table with seating for 12.
The rooms are available only during regular library hours and must be vacated and returned to original condition 15 minutes prior to library closing time.
A Meeting Room Application Form must be completed and submitted for each meeting prior to the start of the meeting.
Meeting Room Applications must be confirmed by library staff prior to meeting room use.
The contact person on the Meeting Room Application Form is considered the responsible party for all costs and damages that occur to the room, its contents, and furniture/equipment beyond normal vacuuming and trash removal.
Technical support personnel are not provided. Staff will turn on the requested Library equipment. Library staff cannot be expected to troubleshoot technology issues.
The Library offers free Wi-Fi that is shared with all Library patrons. Connection speed or connecting to a particular site cannot be guaranteed.
Policy 6.5 - Study Rooms
Reviewed 1/06 & 4/08
Updated 01/13; 05/16
The Waukee Public Library provides study rooms for public use. Reservations are made on a first come, first serve basis. Patrons may make a reservation on that day at the Public Services Desk or by telephone.
Policy 6.6 - Food & Drink
Revised 06/11
Eating & drinking is permitted at the discretion of Library Staff. Only covered beverages are allowed in public areas of the library.
Policy 6.7 - Bulletin Board and Brochure Rack
Reviewed 5/08
Updated 06/11
The Waukee Public Library will provide, at its discretion, limited space for the distribution of community information materials, free handouts or the posting of flyers, notices, and small posters, which present current and relevant news about nonprofit educational, cultural, public interest and recreational services.
Materials promoting business or commercial ventures, political campaigns or viewpoints, or doctrinal beliefs will not be accepted for distribution. Petitions, personal sales, advertisements, or job postings, except for city of Waukee or government job openings, will not be accepted for distribution.
The bulletin board at the Waukee Public Library may be used to publicize, through the posting of posters, flyers, etc, meetings and other activities sponsored by community groups. Limited space generally allows only short-term posting. All materials will meet acceptable community standards. Large posters and announcements are not accepted for display. No community signs will be posted on the library entrance doors.
Distribution or posting of community information materials does not necessarily indicate the library’s endorsement.
The Library Director, Assistant Director or Head Clerk will review items to be posted in the library to determine compliance with this policy. The Library Director shall make the final determination of compliance. Decisions may be appealed in writing to the Library Board of Trustees.
Materials to be displayed should be delivered to the Circulation Desk for posting after review. Designated staff will post approved materials on the bulletin board and information rack. The library will remove items that have not been posted by designated staff. Designated staff will remove materials as they become outdated or have been posted an excessive amount of time. The library can not be responsible for their return.
Policy 6.9 - Test Proctoring
Test Proctoring Guidlines
As a service to the public, the Waukee Public Library provides a test proctoring service. Only those tests which meet the guidelines under procedures will be proctored. These guidelines insure the integrity of the testing process, and equitable treatment for all students.
The Waukee Public Library staff may proctor exams by appointment only for residents of Iowa with valid identification. The library reserves the right to limit or deny this service if the proctoring request does not meet the test proctoring guidelines.
- Proctoring of exams is available during library open hours but must be scheduled so that the exam time limit is concluded at least fifteen minutes before the library closes.
- Appointments to take an exam may be scheduled up to one month in advance in person or by telephone.
- Adult library staff will proctor written, e-mail or on-line exams. Due to privacy issues tests sent by fax will not be accepted, nor will tests be returned via fax.
- Students will provide the necessary information and/or forms to register the proctors.
- Other than completing forms provided by the testing institution or providing information on-line to become a proctor for the student, the library will not submit special letters, make telephone requests or submit staff credentials for review.
- The day of the test the student must present a picture I.D. before the test begins.
- The student is expected to come prepared with the necessary or required supplies to take the exam.
- Students will be assigned a study room to take the test; use of cell phones or visiting with others is prohibited.
- Proctors will not monitor the student continuously during the exam but may check on the student periodically.
- Names of adult staff members qualified to proctor exams will be provided to the education institution if possible. The library cannot guarantee that the individual proctor who signed the original agreement will be present. Because of staff schedules the proctor who begins the test may not be the same staff person on duty when the test is completed.
- Due to legal and ethical concerns, staff will not sign a proctoring verification that attests to more than they are able to do.
- The library will hold all tests for sixty days or the test’s stated deadline. If the test has not been taken, it will be returned to the testing institution.
- At the conclusion of a written exam, the exam will be returned directly to the testing institution via the U.S. Postal service at the next regularly scheduled post office visit.
- The student is responsible for a minimal fee for postage costs
- The library cannot assume responsibility for completed exams not received by the testing institution.
Policy 6.10 - Credit Card Payments
The purpose of this policy is to allow credit card payments for the convenience of patrons. The Waukee Public Library provides the option of paying for library fines, fees, copies, or print jobs with credit/debit cards. Payment processing is secured to protect customer financial information through a third-party vendor. Credit/debit card data is not retained by the library.
The Waukee Public Library does not charge any credit/debit card processing fees. Visa, MasterCard, and Discover cards are accepted and may charge a fee for using the service based on the individual card or bank. The Waukee Public Library is not responsible for any additional service or transaction charges incurred by a patrons’ personal credit/debit card. The Waukee Public Library is not liable for charges or issues resulting from payments made through the vendor. The Waukee Public Library is not responsible for transactions paid by unauthorized users.
Paying Library Fines or Fees
Credit/debit card payments for library fines or fees must be made online by accessing the patron’s account from the Library’s website from any compatible device connected to the internet.
The Waukee Public Library staff is unable to process credit/debit card transactions. Credit/debit card payments will not be accepted by mail, email, or via phone.
Paying for Copies or Printing
Paying for copies or printing is available by credit/debit card at the print station. Payment processing is secured to protect customer financial information through a third-party vendor. Credit/debit card data is not retained by the library.
The minimum to use a credit/debit card for payment is $1.00.
Refunds and Adjustments
The Waukee Public Library is prohibited from refunding money onto credit/debit cards. Account fines and fees paid to the library are not refundable unless authorized by the Library Director.
Any refunds need authorization by the Library Director or designee. Any refunds paid to a patron will be paid by a paper check after appropriate processing which can take up to 30 days.
Library Donations
Credit/debit cards may be used to make donations to the Waukee Public Library Friends Foundation through the WPLFF.org website.
Policy 7.1 - Collection Development
Updated 6/94
- To further the Mission and roles of the Waukee Public Library.
- To guide librarians in the selection of materials.
- To inform the public about the principles upon which selections are made.
- Current and anticipated needs and interests of the public
- Accuracy of content
- Timeliness of information
- Author’s, artist’s, or publisher’s qualifications and/or reputation
- Evaluations of review media
- Contribution to diversity or breadth of collection
- Inclusion of title in standard bibliographies or indexes
- Quality of production
- Affordability
- Support of library’s mission and roles
The library subscribes to professional library periodicals editorial reviews to review and evaluate sources for material selection.
Adult Materials
- Collection’s need to reflect minority as well as majority cultures
- Literary merit
The library maintains a collection of general interest nonfiction titles to provide for the information needs and browsing interests of library patrons. Materials for which there is a heavy, temporary demand may be selected as funding allows. An emphasis will be placed on purchasing books about Waukee, Dallas County and the state of Iowa as funding allow.
- Suitability for intended audience (research-level books not purchased)
- Ease of use, including index, bibliography and illustrations
The library maintains a collection of magazines for information and recreational reading.
- Availability of display shelving and storage space.
Reference materials provide timely and accurate information on a wide variety of topics.
- Currency of material
- Thoroughness of coverage
- Importance of subject matter to the collection
- Ease of use (especially indexing)
Some reference tools are purchased in computer-based formats.
- Ease of use
- Timeliness of updates
- Licensing restrictions
- Technical support
- Hardware and software requirements
Special criteria (in addition to General Criteria)
- Reputation and popularity of author or title among young adult
- Presentation at a level and in a format that appeals to young adults
- Inclusion of material on recommended reading lists
- Subject matter of special interest to young adults
Special criteria (in addition to General Criteria)
- Presentation at a level and in a format that appeals to young adults
- Usefulness of material in research
- Subject matter of special interest to young adults
The library maintains a variety of children’s fiction from the most distinguished in children’s literature to popular titles and new, enticing titles that will attract readers of many tastes and abilities. Popular series titles are purchased in response to patron requests and as funding allows.
- Appropriate reading level and interest level
- Appeal of author, genre, series for children
- Inclusion of material on recommended reading lists
These books in which illustrations is as important as text, serve to introduce children to the world of books. The library includes a wide variety of material for adults to read to toddlers and preschoolers and for children to look at and use as they begin to read. This collection includes beginning readers, concept books, wordless books and board books as well as picture books.
- Relationship of illustrations to text
- Appeal of story and illustrations to children
- Age appropriateness of art, text, topic, etc.
- Durability of format
The junior nonfiction collection contains general informational works, browsing items, and subject oriented materials on topics of interest to children preschool age through sixth grade. The library does not provide basic texts or materials needed in quantity for schoolwork. It does, however, purchase supplementary materials to enrich the resources available to area schools.
- Suitability for intended audience
- Ease of use, including index, bibliography and illustrations
- Quality of illustrations, maps, graphics, and photographs
- Usefulness of material for research
The library provides word processing, spreadsheet and educational software for in-library use on the public library computers. Additional software is purchased based on General Criteria.
The DVD collection informs and entertains library users of all ages. The emphasis of new title
additions will be informational, instructive or entertaining.
- Award winners
- Production quality
- Technical quality (audio and video integrity, etc.)
The audiobook collection is intended to fill the recreational and informational needs of adults, young adults and children. Both abridged and unabridged formats are included but no attempt is made to provide a comprehensive or in-depth collection.
- Availability of replacement discs
- Quality production (especially of the reader)
Electronic resources are increasingly important additions to the library collection. Selection of databases, ebooks, downloadable audiobooks and downloadable magazines follow the same criteria as all other physical materials.
- Availability of resources
- The needs and interests of the community
- Number of circulations, requests and reserves
- Availability of similar materials in the collection
- Affordability
- Physical condition and age of the item
- In-print status
- Appearance in standard lists
- Available space
- Availability at other local libraries
Policy 8.1 - Code of Ethics
Updated 11/02, 1/06
Reviewed 2/08
I. We uphold the principles of intellectual freedom and resist all efforts to censor library resources.
II. We protect each library user’s right to privacy and confidentiality with respect to information sought or received and resources consulted, borrowed, acquired or transmitted.
III. We recognize and respect intellectual property rights.
IV. We treat co-workers and other colleagues with respect, fairness and good faith, and advocate conditions of employment that safeguard the rights and welfare of all employees of our institutions.
V. We do not advance private interests at the expense of library users, colleagues, or our employing institutions.
VI. We distinguish between our personal convictions and professional duties and do not allow our personal beliefs to interfere with fair representation of the aims of our institutions or the provision of access to their information resources.
VII. We strive for excellence in the profession by maintaining and enhancing our own knowledge and skills, by encouraging the professional development of co-workers, and by fostering the aspirations of potential members of the profession.
Policy 8.3 – Personnel Policy
Approved 04/09
Reviewed 2/16, 2/20
Revised 1/23
Employees of the Waukee Public Library shall follow the policies contained in the Employee Handbook of the City of Waukee.
Policy 8.6 - Library Bike
Adopted: 6/18
The Waukee Public Library has a library bike, which functions as a library outreach service for the community. To maintain the safety of library staff and property and ensure accurate representation of the library, the Waukee Public Library Board of Trustees have set forth the following guidelines for use:
- The bike will only attend events that are free, open to the general public, and not for profit.
- Only library staff will be permitted to ride the library bike.
- The rider will wear a helmet and follow all bike and road safety laws.
- The bike will not be out after sunset or in inclement weather.
- Bike attendance at an event is subject to available staffing and weather conditions.