Don't my taxes pay for the Waukee Public Library?
While public funds make libraries possible, donations allow libraries to flourish. Contributions go to support technologies, programs, and community needs that are beyond the library’s operating budget.
Why not donate directly to the library?
Because the library is a city entity, monies donated to it become city funds and could be designated for use elsewhere, or held to time constraints by the city’s fiscal year budget. The WPLFF’s exclusive mission is to support the library, its programs and resources, and this donation process allows for greater flexibility and use of funds by the library. The WPLFF is a 501(c)3 nonprofit, your donations are tax deductible.
What is the difference between the Library Board and the Library Friends Foundation Board?
Library Board members (Trustees) are appointed by the mayor and govern the library. The library board makes administrative decisions for the library such as adopting policies, setting the budget, and hiring the Library Director. The Friends Foundation Board oversees private fundraising efforts and disbursement of funds from the Friends Foundation to the library.
Are there any member benefits?
Members who have donated within the past 12 months gain pre-sale access (Friday evening) to the WPLFF semi-annual book sale! Look for it the third weekend in April and October.