Book Lists & Recommendations
Personalized Recommendations
If the suggested book lists below do not fulfill your needs, our librarians are happy to make you a personalized Book Bundle. Please allow a minimum of 2 business days to fill these requests. These books will be automatically placed on hold for you to pick up and check out at the library.
For Fans of Colleen Hoover
Title: Love and other words
Title: Maybe in another life
Title: Archer's voice
Title: In five years
Title: Second first impressions
Title: Punk 57
Title: One true loves
Title: The people we keep
Title: Me before you
Title: Queenie
Title: The kiss quotient
Title: End of day
Title: After
Title: My lovely wife
Title: Confessions
Title: Before I Let Go
Title: Sabrina & Corina : stories
Title: Olga dies dreaming
Title: You had me at hola : a novel
Title: Postcolonial love poem
Title: The hacienda
Title: Violeta : a novel
Title: Of women and salt
Title: Illegally yours : a memoir
Title: The great divide : a novel
For Fans of "Where the Crawdads Sing"
Title: The great alone
Title: History of wolves : a novel
Title: My absolute darling
Title: Southernmost : a novel
Title: Unsheltered : a novel
Title: Beartown : a novel
Title: Virgil wander
Title: How to be an antiracist
Title: Between the world and me
LGBTQ+ Reads
Title: The ABC's of LGBT+
Title: Less : a novel
Title: Bingo love
Title: Me : Elton John
Title: On swift horses
Title: Kept animals : a novel
Title: Red, white & royal blue
Title: The dime
Title: Freshwater
Title: Conventionally yours
Title: Stealing thunder
Title: When Katie met Cassidy
Title: Untamed
Title: The antidote for everything
Title: Call me by your name
Title: Trans-sister radio : a novel
Beach Reads
Title: Beach Town
Title: The Beach House
Title: Monarch Beach
Title: The Husband Hour
Title: The Hawaiian Quilt
Title: Forever Beach
Title: Firefly Beach
Title: Ten Beach Road
Title: Beachcomber
Title: The Girls of August
Title: It's in His Kiss