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Digital Scholar for Educators

Your digital library card is active and ready to use with the number listed on your teaching license!

Support your students' research with dozens of databases with reliable, up-to-date information, including multimedia and citation assistance.

As a Waukee Community School District educator, you now have unlimited access to the free online resources offered by the Waukee Public Library.

Need more than online resources? Get full library access with an Educator Card!

      Educator Card Perks:
  • Educator Cards are designed to allow greater flexibility for educators so that they can easily checkout items for their classrooms. 
  • 28 day checkouts for books, audiobooks, and magazines. Items can be renewed two times as long as there are no holds on the item. 
  • No fines for overdue items.
  • An expanded checkout limit of up to 100 items. 
  Educator Card Application  
*Bring in completed form to the library to get your library card.

Request items and schedule a library visit!

Save valuable time - let libray staff gather books and materials for your class! You can also bring your class to the library or take a tour of the library, tailored to you and your students' needs.

  Educator Request Form  


Printable Resources:



Classroom Poster 8.5" x 11"  


Explora Flyer 


Learning Express Library

Learning Express Poster 



Letter to Educators 



WorldBook Classroom Poster