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2023 Staff Picks

Article Date
December 21, 2023

The end of the year brings "best of" lists for everything you could think of. We asked the Waukee Public Library staff what books they enjoyed reading in 2023. Some of them also shared books they're looking forward to reading in the new year!



Best Books of 2021

Article Date
December 27, 2021

I think we can all agree that 2021 was another rough year—to say the least. And while we're more than happy to say goodbye to 2021 in hopes of a brighter new year, it was a good year for books. To celebrate the year's end and the great reads of 2021...


Pride Month Reads

Reviewed by Jeni
Article Date
June 15, 2021

After reading Detransition, Baby and Memorial back-to-back in May, I figured I should keep reading recent LGBTQ+ books and write some reviews for Pride Month. (We should pay attention to LGBTQ+ voices all year, of course, but the timing happily...


New Year, New Perspective

Reviewed by Jeni
Article Date
January 16, 2021

It’s January. Time for resolutions and new beginnings. While leading a healthier lifestyle or finally sticking to a budget might be on your mind right now, I’m not going to give you a list of diet cookbooks or financial self-help selections. Instead...


Tried & True Book Club Reads

Reviewed by Judy
Article Date
December 8, 2020

I’ve belonged to a book club for over 17 years. Women have come and gone, but the dynamic stays the same. It is a group of women in their 50’s brought together by a love of reading. We also understand the importance of our relationships within the...


New Books You May Have Missed

Reviewed by Alex
Article Date
August 11, 2020

In all the Coronavirus chaos over the past few months, staying up-to-date on new books has understandably not made many people's to-do list. And while it's likely you still heard about new releases by heavy-hitters like Patterson, Baldacci, and...


Stuff I Nag My Husband to Read

Reviewed by Laura
Article Date
May 26, 2020

As a librarian, I sometimes have the annoying habit of giving my loved ones endless unsolicited book recommendations.  This is completely hypocritical of me because in reality, in a good month, I might read one book myself. That said, I find great...


What Would Your Pet Read?

Waukee Public Library Staff
Article Date
April 21, 2020

With working-from-home becoming the new-norm, we are all spending more time than usual in the company of our pets—much to their delight, horror, or indifference depending on species and personality.

And maybe we've gone a little crazy not being...


Our Favorite Podcasts

Waukee Public Library Staff
Article Date
April 7, 2020

To help you complete the Spring 2020 Adult Reading Challenge—as well as keep you sane during these trying times—we'll be doing several "staff picks" lists with our recommendations for some of the challenge activities.

First up, "Listen to a...


Books that read like Hallmark Movies

Reviewed by Laura
Article Date
March 24, 2020

When people find out I’m a librarian, they often assume that I read a lot of literacy fiction. Spoiler, I do not. I actually do not read a whole lot of books, maybe one a month. When I do read a book, I tend to read items that are light, fluffy, and...
