Title: Ghost of Spruce Point
Title: Shadowghast
Title: Gloom Town
Title: Ghost Girl
Title: Thirteenth Cat
Title: Scary Tales
Title: Took
Title: Night Gardener
Title: Ghosts of Graylock
Title: Tale Dark and Grimm
Title: Serafina and the Black Cloak
Title: Doll Bones
Title: Disney Chills
Title: Short & Shivery
Title: Jumbies
Title: Thornhill
Title: Rise of Zombert
Title: Beware the Bell Witch
Title: Big Book of Mysteries
Title: Curse of the Werepenguin
Title: Nest
Title: Weirn Books
Title: Things in the Basement
Title: Splendors & Glooms
Title: Spirit Hunters
Title: Hide and Don't Seek
Title: Don't Turn Out the Lights
Title: Warren the 13th
Title: Night of the Living Ted
Title: Watch Hollow
Title: Hobgoblin
Title: Night Frights
Title: Monsterious
Title: Monster Club
Title: Haru
Title: Los Monstruos
Title: Spooky Sleuths